Kemeko DX – Eh?

I’m with you Tamako-chan!

Let me try to figure out what the hell I just watched…

Let’s see there was a bride robot kicking major mechanized ass…
An overly sized rice cooker abducting a kid…
An absurd and EPIC battle between the rice cooker and robo bride…
Fanservice from an expressionless ‘denpa’ blue haired girl in a school swimsuit…
LOL moments with Robo bride arousing and enticing Sanpei…
Loli imouto attempting to murder her brother…
Robo bride opening her mouth and spitting out a voluptuous pink haired girl…

and all of this dipped in AWESOME SAUCE!!

Kemeko, just like Macademi Wasshoi, is completely over the top and absurd, making for another hilarious and crazy anime! The OP itself just tripped me out as I saw that weird scary red figure dancing and lifting her skirt along with some fast paced singing that made no sense.

I’m all for the wacky and retarded-ness of this concept, and I’ll add this anime to the side lines and watch it when I wait for stuff. I was expecting to only pick up a few story driven anime this season, but Kemeko DX and Macademi Wasshoi are just too crazy not to pick up, and with Penguin Musume still airing, this should be one crazy season! ^_^

I’ll hit it…punch it…slap it…and kick it off my bed! >_<

3 thoughts on “Kemeko DX – Eh?

  1. I ended up dropping this show. Zoku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei was whacked out, but it was genuinely funny. This show seems to be throwing as many sex jokes at the wall and seeing what sticks. Not the best way to go about it IMO.

  2. I think those ‘sex jokes’ make it even funnier because, usually, it’s that creepy red robot making the jokes! ^_^’

    I’m only gonna watch this when I have nothing else to watch or when I want some crazy…

    And I need to watch Zoku Sayonara Setsubou Sensei sometime.

  3. I need to watch this anime so badly… but I can only keep up with about 3 at a time and those spots are filled…. oh well this anime is on my ever growing list of “to watch” anime…

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