Kurokami – The Doppeliner Paradox

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According to the Doppeliner System in Kurokami, a human soul is divided into three. The soul is then put into three different human beings, each with their own amount of “luck”. In return, the humans look alike, and if two of them were to meet, the one with lower luck dies, giving his luck to the other person and adding it to his own.

So if a person A has 15% luck and meets person B who has 20% luck, person A will die and person B will now have 35% luck…if person B were to meet person C who has the rest of the luck, 65%, then person B will die and person C will have all the luck, becoming The Master Root.

I’m just paraphrasing, I don’t remember much about it and I don’t wanna go back and watch episode two again…so I could be wrong…

But, what I’m wondering is, what would happen if Person A with 30% luck and Person B with 30% luck meet each other? Who will die? They have the same amount of luck, so what would happen? Will they both die? Will they both survive?

What about twins? If there’s three of every soul, does that mean there’s ONE more person with the rest of the soul out there? Does that mean that the twins have the same luck and neither will die for meeting each other? Are they considered the “same” part of the divided soul? Meaning there’s TWO more persons with the rest of the soul…

What about triplets? Or quadruplets? Or n-plets? How does that work?

*sigh*…I’m thinking too much into this…>_>

Probably twins and triplets don’t even exist in Kurokami, or I could have gotten the system wrong and only a certain amount is divided between the three…like 50%, 20%, 30%…none of that 15% or n%…>_>

Sorry to have wasted your time…here have some Kuro pantsu:


11 thoughts on “Kurokami – The Doppeliner Paradox

  1. “”But, what I’m wondering is, what would happen if Person A with 30% luck and Person B with 30% luck meet each other? Who will die? They have the same amount of luck, so what would happen? Will they both die? Will they both survive?””

    No, they will make sex

  2. This is wrong “So if a person A has 15% luck and meets person B who has 20% luck, person A will die and person B will now have 35% luck”

    If they meet they both die and the third one becomes the master ROOT. So if you have the most luck you’re safe.

  3. as long as 2 of them meet, they WILL die. if u read the manga, the root can die too. regardless of luck, as long as they meet, they will die supposedly.

  4. @Laku & yuuji: Wait, if two of them meet they both die regardless of luck? So if the Root meets one of the two, the other one and the Root both die and the third one becomes the Master Root?

    I haven’t read the manga yet…but all I can get from both of your comments is that The Doppeliner System sucks!

  5. Twins don’t share a soul in the Kurokami world apparently. Five-tuplets would obviously have five different souls if all were born alive…

  6. no the one with the highest luck survives…
    and @yuuji in the manga the root died because the liner killed it before it had an acciden.

  7. @Toiski: Then that would mean there would be 15 people that look the same!!! O_O*

    @Laku: I think it’s about time I jump into the manga and clear it up a bit… -_-

  8. Oh well , it works almost the same with triplets and so on.. but then it isn’t like 50 , 30 and 20. There would always the root with the highest % luck and the another would have lower.. but together they have to be 100% xD

    (sorry if the english is bad ;( )

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